A funeral service is a very important way of marking the close of a human life on earth.

When someone close to you dies do not struggle on your own; in the event of a death please call us or email us and we can help. By talking with the church you may find that we are able to relieve some of the stress, as it is an important part of the pastoral care that we, as your parish church, can offer you at this most difficult time.

A funeral service is an opportunity for friends and family to express their grief, to gather up the threads of the life of the deceased, to give thanks for them and to commend them to God's keeping. As Christians, we believe that death marks not the end of life, but a new beginning as we move from earthly life to a greater life with God.

It can be daunting having to organise a funeral after a bereavement, especially when the death is sudden and/or unexpected. However compassionate and helpful people are, with emotions running so high, it can be difficult to get your mind around all the necessary details.

Practical tips regarding funeral services

  • If you would like a service in church then the first people to speak to are the clergy

  • If you want the clergy to lead the service please do not book a date at the crematorium or cemetery until you have agreed a date and time with the clergy, otherwise they may not be available.

  • If you do not belong to a particular church, after registering the death, the funeral director of your choice can tell you which parish you belong to and put you in touch with the vicar.

  • St Philip's church are also happy to conduct memorial services.

For more information please visit The Church of England website