St Philips Church, W8


St Philips is a welcoming and friendly Anglican church in Kensington, bordering Earl’s Court.  We have many young families with children, but a few of us are in our 90s! Most of us live in the neighbouring streets. We celebrate our faith, but have plenty of room for those with questions and don’t discourage them.

The church is OPEN - Come and See!

We are also here for you digitally. Download Zoom Cloud meeting to your device to join in.  Click HERE for more details.   

Please see our Sunday and Wednesday Service Booklets. With our prayers Revd Philippa Turner, Vicar

To make a donation to St Philips Church click HERE

Worship Services

Sundays: 10.30am Holy Eucharist with Sunday School.  

The third Sunday of each month (during term time) is the All Age Service when the children participate in leading the worship, and stay with the rest of the congregation in church.

Mondays & Tuesdays  (except Bank Holidays):  8.00am Morning Prayer. 

Wednesdays: 8.30am Morning Prayer. 12.30pm Holy Eucharist followed by fellowship and discussion. Bring a packed lunch; we will provide hot drinks.

Community Activities

Monday Bible Study 2.30 -3.30pm - in Church

Community Coffee Morning. 10 to 11am at The Scarsdale Tavern, Edwardes Square, W8 6HE. The Coffee Morning is a community event held every second Thursday of the month. Dates in 2024 are: 10 October, 14 November, 12 December. Suggested donation of £2 for the drinks.  Tea and coffee are served from 10 to 11am.

Film Club. Our next Film Club date is Saturday 19 October. Time: 6.30pm for a 7pm screening.  Visit our film club page for full details HERE. We are asking for a £5 donation; a drink and a light snack will be available.

The SPECR Concert Series - Thursday Music Recitals
Come along to St Philip's on Thursdays for our lunchtime recital series, performed by talented musicians.   The recitals will run fortnightly from 22 February to 28 November, from 12.30pm to 1pm.  Bring your lunch and enjoy the beautiful music. For a full program of events, click HERE. 2025 will be announced soon


We are praying regularly for all who are sick, anxious or isolated, our national leaders and those in crisis.  

Please click HERE to be added to our prayer list.


Click HERE to register for our regular email updates.

Virtual Collection Plate

St Philips Church is entirely self-funded. If you would like to put money in our 'virtual collection plate', please click HERE.  You can choose to make a one-off or regular donation, either of which will be very gratefully received. Thank you.

St Philips Annual Report YE 2022

Read our report about the life and work of our Church in 2022 HERE

Electoral Roll

Chris Luxton is our Electoral Roll Officer.  Please contact her for more information, and/or complete this form to join our Church Electoral Roll.

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